To our community members,
We are pleased to announce our list of 40 people and 40 businesses and organizations that have made an impact on the Allston Brighton neighborhood to coincide with Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation’s 40th Anniversary.
As we sifted through the nominations and contemplated the list, we were struck by the depth of community involvement that has marked the very essence of Allston Brighton during these last four decades. We would like to make it clear that as comprehensive as these lists are, they fall far short of acknowledging all the people and organizations who have played such a crucial role in preserving, improving, and protecting the unique quality of our community.
As you review the lists we hope you will join us in celebrating those we have selected with the understanding and knowledge that those not mentioned are still very much included in the spirit and intention encompassed in these lists.
Leading up to our All Bright Night event and celebration of ABCDC’s 40th anniversary, we will share the impact that these people and institutions have made on our neighborhood. We hope you will join us on October 29th from 7-8 pm to celebrate the neighborhood, reflect on our history, and discuss how to create a more equitable Allston Brighton.
Thank you to all who participated in this effort and thank you to the Allston Brighton neighborhood.
John Woods Amelia Youngstrom
Executive Director Board President