We currently have 553 homes for over 1,000 low- and moderate-income renters and their families in our real estate portfolio. These homes provide a stable base in a neighborhood of high rents and limited homeownership opportunities.
To apply for an Allston Brighton CDC apartment, please contact our property management company, Maloney Properties. Maloney Properties handles all housing applications directly.
Below is a list of all properties currently in our portfolio:
Our Properties In The Neighborhood

Ashford Street Lodging House
40 - 42 Ashford Street | Allston, MA
A 12-unit single room occupancy (SRO) house for individuals with special needs, developed in 1993. Ashford Street is a converted Victorian house that was in serious disrepair before Allston Brighton CDC’s renovation.

Brian J. Honan Apartments
Everett Street | Allston, MA
The Brian J. Honan Apartments is a 50-unit rental property that welcomed its first residents in 2005. In 2002, with the help of the late City Councilor Brian J. Honan, Allston Brighton CDC purchased the former Legal Sea Foods Company Headquarters and Warehouse on 33 Everett Street in Allston. The old industrial building was demolished and replaced with nine buildings in an attractive, well-landscaped setting that includes designated parking and other amenities.

Brighton Allston Apartments
1387 Commonwealth Avenue | Allston, MA
Brighton Allston Apartments is 60-unit rental property, acquired in 1996 and renovated in 1997. Brighton Allston Apartments is located on two sites, on Commonwealth Avenue in Allston, and Washington Street in Brighton. The 1387 Commonwealth Ave. site has excellent public transportation access and is a short walk from the Allston Village business district.

Brighton Allston Apartments
439 - 501 Washington Street | Allston, MA
Brighton Allston Apartments is 60-unit rental property, acquired in 1996 and renovated in 1997. Brighton Allston Apartments is actually two sites – one on Commonwealth Avenue in Allston and the other on Washington Street in Brighton. The Washington Street site in Brighton is surrounded by trees and shaded landscaping, sits along the 57 MBTA bus, and is close to both Brighton Center and Oak Square.

Carol Avenue Apartments
6 -12 Carol Avenue | Brighton, MA
A 33-unit mixed-income property. This building was a cooperative until the CDC purchased it from the shareholders in 2018.

Commonwealth Apartments
1285-1309 Commonwealth Avenue | Allston, MA
In the 1990’s, this 118-unit rental property was at risk of losing its affordability, together with the Glenville Apartments, which had the same owner. For thirteen years, Allston Brighton CDC and the tenants worked together to preserve these apartments as affordable. In 1997, Allston Brighton CDC and the tenants bought the buildings together, guaranteeing that they would stay affordable for the long-term. Today, the apartments are run by a joint ownership board made up of tenants and Allston Brighton CDC. The site is directly along the Green B subway line, close to many restaurants and local shops, and is a short walk to the Allston Village business district.
In 2017, the All Bright Community Center opened on the first floor of 1287 Commonwealth Avenue to better serve tenants by offering case management, referrals, and holistic programming in health and wellness, financial coaching, and more.

Glenville Apartments
58 - 90 Glenville Avenue | Allston, MA
This 117-unit rental property was purchased by the tenants and Allston Brighton CDC in 1997 along with the Commonwealth Apartments (see above).

Hano Homes
1 - 39 Hano Street | Allston, MA
This 20-unit rental property, comprised of ten rowhouses on Hano Street, was purchased by Allston Brighton CDC in the early 1980s and renovated in 2003.

Long Glen Rental II
48-52 Glenville Avenue | Allston, MA
This 33-unit rental property provides housing for residents with limited incomes.

Ray Dooley Apartments
10 Long Avenue, 114 Glenville Avenue, 118 Glenville Avenue | Allston, MA
The 59 3BR, 2BR, 1BR, and studio units were converted from market-rate to affordable rentals in 2006. This development is named after Ray Dooley, a founding member of the Allston Brighton CDC in 1980. Ray was also responsible for the creation of Boston’s Neighborhood Housing Trust and the implementation of Boston’s successful housing linkage program that has helped to create more than 7,650 affordable homes in more than 20 years.

The William (Bill) E. McGonagle Recovery House
6 Quint Avenue, Allston MA
6 Quint Avenue in Allston was acquired by ABCDC in 2021 in collaboration with the City of Boston, Davis Company, Boston Housing Authority, and the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development. In 2023, this property was renovated and converted into 15 units, 14 of which are permanently affordable supportive housing units for extremely low-income individuals advancing through the addiction recovery process. This property is named in the memory of Bill McGonagle (1951-2019) and for the appreciation of his tireless dedication to the goals of the recovery community and the creation and preservation of affordable housing throughout the City of Boston. Bill worked for the Boston Housing Authority for 40 years, leading the organization as its Administrator from 2009-2019.

Warren Hall
329–337 Washington Street, Brighton MA
In 2024, ABCDC collaborated with The Schochet Companies to purchase the historic Warren Hall building. The building consists of 33-units of housing on floors two to four, and five commercial spaces on the first floor of the building.