Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation

Working together, building community

Homeownership & Counseling Programs

Homebuying 101

Are you thinking about buying your first home but aren’t sure where to start? Are you concerned about making the right choices? Want to find out about all the resources available to help you? Join us at our next Homebuying 101 session to learn more about the first-time home buying process.




Regístrese en una de nuestras próximas clases para obtener más información sobre la compra de vivienda. Aprenda de nuestros expertos y profesionales en bienes raíces sobre cómo navegar el proceso de compra de vivienda en MA.

Framework Online

Buying a home is a big deal, whether you’re doing it for the first time or getting back into the ever-changing market. When you educate yourself for smart homeownership with Framework, you’ll navigate every step of the process with confidence and on your own time. The Framework course is affordable too: just $75.

Housing Counseling

Whether you’re ready to buy a home in a few months or a few years, we’re here to help. Together, you and a counselor can work on developing attainable goals no matter where you are in the homebuying process. 


This workshop goes in-depth into the assistance programs available in Massachusetts to help first time homebuyers purchase a home. Answers to questions such as what programs are available, who is eligible, how to apply for and layer programs will be explored.


Este clase cubre en detalle la asistencia disponible en Massachusetts que ayuda a los primeros compradores comprar su casa. Hablaremos sobre los programas que existen, quienes son eligibles, y sobre el proceso de cómo solicitar y cómo utilizar varios programas juntos.


This abbreviated course is for anyone wondering if homeownership might be feasible for them but is not yet ready or able to commit to a full first-time homebuyer class. Some topics covered include property types and associated responsibilities, budget and financial considerations beyond the mortgage payment, homeownership as an investment, first-time homebuyer programs, and the current housing market.

HOMEBUYING 202: Condo Purchase & Ownership

Homebuying 202 is a workshop that covers the purchase and ownership of a condominium unit. Because there are special considerations when buying a Condo, this workshop prepares future condo owners for success. It highlights how the purchase process can differ as well as the extra regulations and expectations placed on a condo unit owner.

Homeownership Resource Guide

Check out our Resource Guide for useful information on purchasing and owning your home. Our directory is full of quality real estate professionals and resources you can trust, from architects and attorneys to builders and banks, all handpicked by Allston Brighton CDC staff for their reliability and performance.


Are you interested in bringing first-time homebuyer education to your neighborhood but don’t have the resources to implement the programming on your own? Partnering with us will enable you to bring expert homebuyer education programming directly to your community. Contact our Manager of Homeownership and Counseling Programs, Jin Min Lee, at or 617-787-3874 x220.

©Allston Brighton CDC | 18R Shepard Street, Suite 100 | Brighton, MA 02135 | p: 617.787.3874 | f: 617.787.0425 | TTY: 711