What Risky Things Are Homebuyers Doing To Be More Competitive In Their Offer To Purchase A Home?
With Nathan Johnson from Thumbprint Realty and Cheng Zhang from Thread Real Estate Interview by Lorena Villatoro, ABCDC Housing Counselor The sting of rejection hurts in any form, but the last thing buyers want to feel when putting in an offer for a potential dream...
Meet Our Staff: Ornella
Please join us in welcoming our new Resident Services Intern, Ornella Bisamaza (she/her). Ornella is a 27-year-old from Rwanda and recent graduate with a Master’s degree in Public Health from MCPHS University. As the founder of a start-up that focuses on...
A Homebuyers Story: Valerie
ABCDC sat down with one of our Homebuying 101 graduates, Valerie, who recently purchased her first home! Learn more about her journey to homeownership and how she made her dreams of buying a home a reality. I just purchased and moved into my first ever home –...
June-July 2023 Resident Times
Are you a resident in one of our properties? Check out the June-July edition of the Resident Times to learn more about upcoming activities at our All Bright Community Center! June-July 2023 Resident...