Homes We Can Afford Campaign
For the past 42 years, Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation (ABCDC) has been dedicated to opening doors for Allston Brighton residents. Our various program areas strive to make the neighborhood a thriving community and to create opportunities for individuals to achieve their personal dreams. Over the years, we have found doors closing on neighborhood residents. Graduates of our class for first-time homebuyer classes can no longer afford to purchase in the neighborhood, with even condominiums beyond the reach of many residents. Waiting lists for subsidized housing in the neighborhood are growing, and we have witnessed the shrinkage of the subsidized housing stock over the past two years. Our own housing development efforts have been stymied by exorbitant acquisition costs, as new construction costs on average $500,000 per unit in a Boston multifamily project.
To amplify the voices of those who are being impacted by rising rents and displacement from the neighborhood, and to recognize those fighting for more affordable housing and tenant protections, Allston Brighton CDC’s Affordable Housing Action Committee is launching the Homes We Can Afford campaign, a new initiative to increase visibility about how housing affects the diverse communities that make up Allston Brighton. As the city of Boston’s population grows larger, housing has become more of an issue for many residents throughout the city. The goal of this campaign is to raise awareness of the overall housing crisis in the Allston Brighton community.
If you would like to share your story as part of the Homes We Can Afford Campaign, please email with “Homes We Can Afford” in the subject line or join the virtual conversation by using #HomesWeCanAfford
Homes We Can Afford Micro-Documentary (2021)
Stories From Residents
Click on the resident profiles below to learn more